React for Data Visualization
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Uber has built a cool suite of data visualization tools for WebGL. Let's explore


My Solution

Today was not a great success so tomorrow's gonna be part two.

We explored Uber's suite of WebGL-based data visualization libraries from There's a couple:

  1. is for layering data visualization layers on top of maps
  2. is the base library that everything else uses
  3. react-map-gl is a React-based base layer for maps, you then use to add layers
  4. react-vis is Uber's take on the "react abstraction for charts" class of libraries. Renders to SVG

Trying out seemed like the best way to get started. It powers everything else and if we're gonna build custom stuff ... well.

Implementing this example of wandering triangles seemed like a good idea.

Copy pasting a bunch of code and trying to understand what it does even better.

So we built a React harness, spelunked through the demo code, and learned a few things about WebGL.

<LumaFragment component="canvas" />

<LumaFragment> is a d3blackbox component. It creates a canvas element and lets our render function take over. Our function is mostly a copy paste job.

In this we learned that WebGL renders onto <canvas>. Somehow I never realized that before.

We create LumaFragment like this:

const LumaFragment = d3blackbox((anchor, props) => {
// copy pasta code from official example
animationLoop.start({ canvas: anchor.current });

The official example creates an animationLoop based on the AnimationLoop import from It works like a game loop approach I believe.

There's 3 event callbacks the code hooks into:

  1. onInitialize, which initializes objects and sets up the visualization
  2. onRender, which runs on every loop of the animation. I think
  3. onFinalize, which runs when the animation runs out, but it looks like that's never

I'd explain the code inside those callbacks here, if I understood it well enough. Right now it still looks a little alien and hard to grok.

What I can tell you, however, it's that it is designed to run fast. There's a lot of low level stuff creeping in. Like using Float32Array instead of just Array because it's typed.

Yes, some JavaScript is typed didn't you know?

And it uses a lot of Buffers. Those are low level memory blocks with direct access from the GPU. Makes it faster than working with higher level JavaScript abstractions.

Another trick for more speed is that much of the hard logic happens in shaders.

We put our shaders in the shaders.js file. Shaders are low-level GPU code, originally named after shading effects, but doing all sorts of stuff these days.

Our example uses 3 shaders: EMIT_VS, DRAW_VS, DRAW_FS. They seem to control how our triangles render and behave, but I haven't been able to figure out how the JavaScript part ties together with the shaders part.

Guess that's our next step.

Also figuring out why this happens:

Join me tomorrow. We'll have fun :)

A Sankey diagram
Real-time WebGL map of all airplanes in the world
Created by Swizec with ❤️